Online Kundalini Activation
This online KAP session offers a convenient and accessible way to experience the transformative power of this practice from the comfort of your own home.
In a live stream video call the facilitator will guide you through the process in real-time providing guidance and support as you awaken your Kundalini energy.
You will receive a Zoom link for the event upon booking.
Investment DKK 295,-
Open Class Sønderborg
A KAP group session offers a shared and unique experience where the collective energy of the group creates a powerful and transformative environment for spiritual growth.
The Facilitator activates each participant as well as the collective energy of the group in this joint experience.
The session helps participants achieve a deeper connection to self and others and facilitates deeper states of consciousness leading to life-changing outcomes.
Maximum of 12 participants.
Investment DKK 375,-
Online Kundalini Activation
This online KAP session offers a convenient and accessible way to experience the transformative power of this practice from the comfort of your own home.
In a live stream video call the facilitator will guide you through the process in real-time providing guidance and support as you awaken your Kundalini energy.
You will receive a Zoom link for the event upon booking.
Investment DKK 295,-
Open Class Vejle
A KAP group session offers a shared and unique experience where the collective energy of the group creates a powerful and transformative environment for spiritual growth.
The Facilitator activates each participant as well as the collective energy of the group in this joint experience.
The session helps participants achieve a deeper connection to self and others and facilitates deeper states of consciousness leading to life-changing outcomes.
Maximum of 12 participants.
Investment DKK 375,-
Online Kundalini Activation
This online KAP session offers a convenient and accessible way to experience the transformative power of this practice from the comfort of your own home.
In a live stream video call the facilitator will guide you through the process in real-time providing guidance and support as you awaken your Kundalini energy.
You will receive a Zoom link for the event upon booking.
Investment DKK 295,-
Online Kundalini Activation
This online KAP session offers a convenient and accessible way to experience the transformative power of this practice from the comfort of your own home.
In a live stream video call the facilitator will guide you through the process in real-time providing guidance and support as you awaken your Kundalini energy.
You will receive a Zoom link for the event upon booking.
Investment DKK 295,-
Open Class Vejle
A KAP group session offers a shared and unique experience where the collective energy of the group creates a powerful and transformative environment for spiritual growth.
The Facilitator activates each participant as well as the collective energy of the group in this joint experience.
The session helps participants achieve a deeper connection to self and others and facilitates deeper states of consciousness leading to life-changing outcomes.
Maximum of 12 participants.
Investment DKK 375,-
Online Kundalini Activation
This online KAP session offers a convenient and accessible way to experience the transformative power of this practice from the comfort of your own home.
In a live stream video call the facilitator will guide you through the process in real-time providing guidance and support as you awaken your Kundalini energy.
You will receive a Zoom link for the event upon booking.
Investment DKK 295,-
Online Kundalini Activation
This online KAP session offers a convenient and accessible way to experience the transformative power of this practice from the comfort of your own home.
In a live stream video call the facilitator will guide you through the process in real-time providing guidance and support as you awaken your Kundalini energy.
You will receive a Zoom link for the event upon booking.
Investment DKK 295,-
Open Class Vejle
A KAP group session offers a shared and unique experience where the collective energy of the group creates a powerful and transformative environment for spiritual growth.
The Facilitator activates each participant as well as the collective energy of the group in this joint experience.
The session helps participants achieve a deeper connection to self and others and facilitates deeper states of consciousness leading to life-changing outcomes.
Maximum of 12 participants.
Investment DKK 375,-
Online Kundalini Activation
This online KAP session offers a convenient and accessible way to experience the transformative power of this practice from the comfort of your own home.
In a live stream video call the facilitator will guide you through the process in real-time providing guidance and support as you awaken your Kundalini energy.
You will receive a Zoom link for the event upon booking.
Investment DKK 295,-
Online Kundalini Activation
This online KAP session offers a convenient and accessible way to experience the transformative power of this practice from the comfort of your own home.
In a live stream video call the facilitator will guide you through the process in real-time providing guidance and support as you awaken your Kundalini energy.
You will receive a Zoom link for the event upon booking.
Investment DKK 295,-
Open Class Vejle
A KAP group session offers a shared and unique experience where the collective energy of the group creates a powerful and transformative environment for spiritual growth.
The Facilitator activates each participant as well as the collective energy of the group in this joint experience.
The session helps participants achieve a deeper connection to self and others and facilitates deeper states of consciousness leading to life-changing outcomes.
Maximum of 12 participants.
Investment DKK 375,-
Online Kundalini Activation
This online KAP session offers a convenient and accessible way to experience the transformative power of this practice from the comfort of your own home.
In a live stream video call the facilitator will guide you through the process in real-time providing guidance and support as you awaken your Kundalini energy.
You will receive a Zoom link for the event upon booking.
Investment DKK 295,-
Online Kundalini Activation
This online KAP session offers a convenient and accessible way to experience the transformative power of this practice from the comfort of your own home.
In a live stream video call the facilitator will guide you through the process in real-time providing guidance and support as you awaken your Kundalini energy.
You will receive a Zoom link for the event upon booking.
Investment DKK 295,-
Open Class Vejle
A KAP group session offers a shared and unique experience where the collective energy of the group creates a powerful and transformative environment for spiritual growth.
The Facilitator activates each participant as well as the collective energy of the group in this joint experience.
The session helps participants achieve a deeper connection to self and others and facilitates deeper states of consciousness leading to life-changing outcomes.
Maximum of 12 participants.
Investment DKK 375,-
Open Class Sønderborg
A KAP group session offers a shared and unique experience where the collective energy of the group creates a powerful and transformative environment for spiritual growth.
The Facilitator activates each participant as well as the collective energy of the group in this joint experience.
The session helps participants achieve a deeper connection to self and others and facilitates deeper states of consciousness leading to life-changing outcomes.
Maximum of 12 participants.
Investment DKK 375,-
Open Class Vejle
A KAP group session offers a shared and unique experience where the collective energy of the group creates a powerful and transformative environment for spiritual growth.
The Facilitator activates each participant as well as the collective energy of the group in this joint experience.
The session helps participants achieve a deeper connection to self and others and facilitates deeper states of consciousness leading to life-changing outcomes.
Maximum of 12 participants.
Investment DKK 375,-
Open Class Vejle
A KAP group session offers a shared and unique experience where the collective energy of the group creates a powerful and transformative environment for spiritual growth.
The Facilitator activates each participant as well as the collective energy of the group in this joint experience.
The session helps participants achieve a deeper connection to self and others and facilitates deeper states of consciousness leading to life-changing outcomes.
Maximum of 12 participants.
Investment DKK 375,-
KAP Open Class Copenhagen - 2 Facilitators - Lila & Annette
Join us for a unique Kundalini Activation event with two Kundalini Facilitators in one session! ⚡️
We are thrilled to invite you to this powerful Kundalini session where Lila and Annette will guide you through this transformational process.
A coming home to your essence. An alignment with your heart. And a deep connection with yourself.
These are some of the benefits you may experience when surrendering to this powerful, intelligent and caring energy that will provide you with the next step of your spiritual journey.
We will host the session in beautiful Halo House and will be offering space to 20 participants this evening.
Investment: DKK 550,-
Additional information and booking link here
Looking forward to seeing you ✨✨
Lila & Annette
Open Class Vejle
A KAP group session offers a shared and unique experience where the collective energy of the group creates a powerful and transformative environment for spiritual growth.
The Facilitator activates each participant as well as the collective energy of the group in this joint experience.
The session helps participants achieve a deeper connection to self and others and facilitates deeper states of consciousness leading to life-changing outcomes.
Maximum of 12 participants.
Investment DKK 375,-
Open Class Vejle
A KAP group session offers a shared and unique experience where the collective energy of the group creates a powerful and transformative environment for spiritual growth.
The Facilitator activates each participant as well as the collective energy of the group in this joint experience.
The session helps participants achieve a deeper connection to self and others and facilitates deeper states of consciousness leading to life-changing outcomes.
Maximum of 12 participants.
Investment DKK 375,-
Online KAP Session
This online KAP session offers a convenient and accessible way to experience the transformative power of this practice from the comfort of your own home.
In a live stream video call the facilitator will guide you through the process in real-time providing guidance and support as you awaken your Kundalini energy.
You will receive a Zoom link for the event upon booking.
Investment DKK 295,-
Online KAP Session
This online KAP session offers a convenient and accessible way to experience the transformative power of this practice from the comfort of your own home.
In a live stream video call the facilitator will guide you through the process in real-time providing guidance and support as you awaken your Kundalini energy.
You will receive a Zoom link for the event upon booking.
Investment DKK 295,-
Open Class Vejle
A KAP group session offers a shared and unique experience where the collective energy of the group creates a powerful and transformative environment for spiritual growth.
The Facilitator activates each participant as well as the collective energy of the group in this joint experience.
The session helps participants achieve a deeper connection to self and others and facilitates deeper states of consciousness leading to life-changing outcomes.
Maximum of 12 participants.
Investment DKK 375,-
Open Class Copenhagen (Copy)
A KAP group session offers a shared and unique experience where the collective energy of the group creates a powerful and transformative environment for spiritual growth.
The Facilitator activates each participant as well as the collective energy of the group in this joint experience. The session helps participants achieve a deeper connection to self and others and facilitates deeper states of consciousness leading to life-changing outcomes.
Maximum of 12 participants.
Investment DKK 375,-
Open Class Copenhagen
A KAP group session offers a shared and unique experience where the collective energy of the group creates a powerful and transformative environment for spiritual growth.
The Facilitator activates each participant as well as the collective energy of the group in this joint experience. The session helps participants achieve a deeper connection to self and others and facilitates deeper states of consciousness leading to life-changing outcomes.
Maximum of 12 participants.
Investment DKK 375,-
Online KAP Session
This online KAP session offers a convenient and accessible way to experience the transformative power of this practice from the comfort of your own home.
In a live stream video call the facilitator will guide you through the process in real-time providing guidance and support as you awaken your Kundalini energy.
You will receive a Zoom link for the event upon booking.
Investment DKK 295,-
Life Force Activation, Silkeborg
En Life Force Activation er en transmission af livskrafts-energi og 'non-dual consciousness' eller 'oneness'. Oplev hvordan en session vil opløse blokeringer, åbne energi centre og skabe kontakt til den indre essens
LFA handler om overgivelse. Der er ikke noget, du skal "gøre", mens energien overføres af facilitatoren. For at modtage og føle energien er det eneste, du skal gøre at overgive dig til processen. Det kræver ingen erfaring eller forkundskaber
I sessionen ligger du på en yogamåtte, der spilles musik og facilitatoren rører ved chakra-/meridianpunkter på din krop. Det er alt.
Under sessionen kan du opleve følelsesmæssige forløsninger, kropslige bevægelser, lyksalighedstilstande eller se farver og visioner.
Efter sessionen viser den reelle effekt sig.
Du kan opleve:
- Dybe indsigter og erkendelser
- Styrket intuition
- Skift i opfattelse af virkeligheden
- Evne til at føle dybere
- Mere klarhed
- Udviklede sanser
- Dybere bevidsthedstilstande
- Følelse af formål
- Dybere forbindelse til sig selv og andre
- At leve med et mere åbent hjerte
- Indre viden
- Lykkefølelse
- 'Non-dual' tilstande eller 'oneness'
Forbered dig til sessionen ved at:
- Undgå alkohol
- Iføre dig behageligt tøj
- Spise let (frugt eller grønt) om morgenen
- Undgå at spise tæt på sessionen
- Holde din aften fri til integration efter sessionen
Sessionen finder sted hos Zoulmade, Fundervej 106, 7442 Engesvang den 20. juni kl. 19.
Varighed ca. 2 timer.
Der er plads til 14 personer.
Yogamåtter findes i lokalet. Medbring evt et tæppe og en flaske vand.
Pris: kr. 375,-
Jeg glæder mig til at se dig
Annette Riggelsen
LFA Facilitator
Experience how a Life Force Activation session will dissolve any barriers, open your energy centres and reveal your true essence
A Life Force Activation (LFA) is a transmission of life force energy and non dual consciousness or oneness.
It is the path of surrender. There is nothing you need to “do” while the energy is transmitted by the facilitator. In LFA, to receive and feel the energy all you need to do is to surrender. No experience required
In the session you lie on a yoga mat, music is played and the facilitator touches chakra/meridian points on your body. That´s it.
During the session you might experience emotional releases, bodily movements, bliss states or seeing colours and visions.
However the 'real' effects come after the session.
You may experience:
- Deep insights and realizations
- Strengthened intuition
- Shifts in perception of reality
- Capacity to feel more deeply
- More clarity
- Developed senses
- Deeper states of consciousness
- Sense of purpose
- Deeper connection to self and others
- Living with a more open heart
- Inner knowing
- Bliss states
- Non-dual states or oneness
Prepare for the session by:
- Avoiding alcohol or drugs
- Wearing comfortable clothing
- Eating light (choose fruits or veggies) in the morning
- Avoiding eating close to the session
- Clearing your evening for integration after the session
The session will take place at the location of Zoulmade, Fundervej 106, 7442 Engesvang on June 20 at 7 pm. Duration approx. 2 hours.
The session holds a maximum of 14 people
You will find yoga mats in the room. You may want to bring a blanket and a bottle of water.
Price: dkk 375,-
Looking forward to seeing you
Annette Riggelsen
LFA Facilitator
Open Class Vejle
A KAP group session offers a shared and unique experience where the collective energy of the group creates a powerful and transformative environment for spiritual growth.
The Facilitator activates each participant as well as the collective energy of the group in this joint experience.
The session helps participants achieve a deeper connection to self and others and facilitates deeper states of consciousness leading to life-changing outcomes.
Maximum of 12 participants.
Investment DKK 375,-
Open Class Copenhagen
A KAP group session offers a shared and unique experience where the collective energy of the group creates a powerful and transformative environment for spiritual growth.
The Facilitator activates each participant as well as the collective energy of the group in this joint experience. The session helps participants achieve a deeper connection to self and others and facilitates deeper states of consciousness leading to life-changing outcomes.
Maximum of 12 participants.
Investment DKK 375,-
Open Class Copenhagen
A KAP group session offers a shared and unique experience where the collective energy of the group creates a powerful and transformative environment for spiritual growth.
The Facilitator activates each participant as well as the collective energy of the group in this joint experience. The session helps participants achieve a deeper connection to self and others and facilitates deeper states of consciousness leading to life-changing outcomes.
Maximum of 12 participants.
Investment DKK 375,-
Online KAP Session
This online KAP session offers a convenient and accessible way to experience the transformative power of this practice from the comfort of your own home.
In a live stream video call the facilitator will guide you through the process in real-time providing guidance and support as you awaken your Kundalini energy.
You will receive a Zoom link for the event upon booking.
Investment DKK 295,-
Online KAP Session
This online KAP session offers a convenient and accessible way to experience the transformative power of this practice from the comfort of your own home.
In a live stream video call the facilitator will guide you through the process in real-time providing guidance and support as you awaken your Kundalini energy.
You will receive a Zoom link for the event upon booking.
Investment DKK 295,-
Online KAP Session
This online KAP session offers a convenient and accessible way to experience the transformative power of this practice from the comfort of your own home.
In a live stream video call the facilitator will guide you through the process in real-time providing guidance and support as you awaken your Kundalini energy.
You will receive a Zoom link for the event upon booking.
Investment DKK 295,-
KAP Open Class Copenhagen - 2 Facilitators - Lila & Annette
Join us for a unique Kundalini Activation event with two Kundalini Facilitators in one session! ⚡️
We are thrilled to invite you to this powerful Kundalini session where Lila and Annette will guide you through this transformational process.
A coming home to your essence. An alignment with your heart. And a deep connection with yourself.
These are some of the benefits you may experience when surrendering to this powerful, intelligent and caring energy that will provide you with the next step of your spiritual journey.
We will host the session in beautiful Halo House and will be offering space to 20 participants this evening.
Investment: DKK 550,-
Additional information and booking link here
Looking forward to seeing you ✨✨
Lila & Annette
Online KAP Session
This online KAP session offers a convenient and accessible way to experience the transformative power of this practice from the comfort of your own home.
In a live stream video call the facilitator will guide you through the process in real-time providing guidance and support as you awaken your Kundalini energy.
You will receive a Zoom link for the event upon booking.
Investment DKK 295,-
Open Class Vejle
A KAP group session offers a shared and unique experience where the collective energy of the group creates a powerful and transformative environment for spiritual growth.
The Facilitator activates each participant as well as the collective energy of the group in this joint experience.
The session helps participants achieve a deeper connection to self and others and facilitates deeper states of consciousness leading to life-changing outcomes.
Maximum of 12 participants.
Investment DKK 375,-
Open Class Copenhagen
A KAP group session offers a shared and unique experience where the collective energy of the group creates a powerful and transformative environment for spiritual growth.
The Facilitator activates each participant as well as the collective energy of the group in this joint experience. The session helps participants achieve a deeper connection to self and others and facilitates deeper states of consciousness leading to life-changing outcomes.
Maximum of 12 participants.
Investment DKK 375,-
Open Class Copenhagen
A KAP group session offers a shared and unique experience where the collective energy of the group creates a powerful and transformative environment for spiritual growth.
The Facilitator activates each participant as well as the collective energy of the group in this joint experience.
The session helps participants achieve a deeper connection to self and others and facilitates deeper states of consciousness leading to life-changing outcomes.
Maximum of 12 participants.
Investment DKK 375,-
Online KAP Session
This online KAP session offers a convenient and accessible way to experience the transformative power of this practice from the comfort of your own home.
In a live stream video call the facilitator will guide you through the process in real-time providing guidance and support as you awaken your Kundalini energy.
You will receive a Zoom link for the event upon booking.
Investment DKK 295,-
Open Class Vejle
A KAP group session offers a shared and unique experience where the collective energy of the group creates a powerful and transformative environment for spiritual growth.
The Facilitator activates each participant as well as the collective energy of the group in this joint experience.
The session helps participants achieve a deeper connection to self and others and facilitates deeper states of consciousness leading to life-changing outcomes.
Maximum of 12 participants.
Investment DKK 375,-
Online KAP Session
This online KAP session offers a convenient and accessible way to experience the transformative power of this practice from the comfort of your own home.
In a live stream video call the facilitator will guide you through the process in real-time providing guidance and support as you awaken your Kundalini energy.
You will receive a Zoom link for the event upon booking.
Investment DKK 295,-
Open Class Vejle
A KAP group session offers a shared and unique experience where the collective energy of the group creates a powerful and transformative environment for spiritual growth.
The Facilitator activates each participant as well as the collective energy of the group in this joint experience.
The session helps participants achieve a deeper connection to self and others and facilitates deeper states of consciousness leading to life-changing outcomes.
Maximum of 12 participants.
Investment DKK 375,-
Open Class Copenhagen
A KAP group session offers a shared and unique experience where the collective energy of the group creates a powerful and transformative environment for spiritual growth.
The Facilitator activates each participant as well as the collective energy of the group in this joint experience. The session helps participants achieve a deeper connection to self and others and facilitates deeper states of consciousness leading to life-changing outcomes.
Maximum of 12 participants.
Investment DKK 375,-